Richard (Sweden)

Why did you choose to work for OCE?

I have worked in Conversational English Schools in Japan and to be honest, the contrast between OCE and other schools is really apparent. The communication between co-workers and the lesson structure is what stands out to me the most. I am only a part-time teacher at OCE but I feel like I am a full-timer in terms of how the staff treat me. The lesson and book structure at OCE is also very easy to understand and do! Over all, the administration, structure and working environment makes teaching easier and more fun.

What do you think is special about OCE?

Not only is OCE affordable to students, but the teaching environment and working environment is very fun! The students are made up of a variety of motivated people and that makes me motivated as well! The working environment is also very good. The atmosphere in the working environment is always fun and me and my co-workers can actually hang out and have fun together.

What do you enjoy about teaching?

For me, I enjoy seeing their progress the most. This slow and steady progress is what I enjoy the most. Also, although OCE is a cheap school compared to the rest, you get to meet a variety of people. To a company CEO, to a salary man. You also learn a lot of things from your students to be honest and learning about Japan from a Japanese person is the best way to make the most out of your experience in Japan.

When did you make a difference in a student’s life?

Watching them improve their English skill from a level zero to actually being able to have a short conversation with the teacher or fellow student. It is not only rewarding for the student but also for the teacher. I’ve had very low level students who cant speak at all but can now make sentences and phrases. Also, I have the opportunity to expose my students to European culture and Europe in general. They use this knowledge for travel, business, and also every day conversation.