Abe (America)

Why did you choose to work for OCE?

I used to work for a very big and quite popular English school before working at OCE. I felt very small and unimportant in the company. They treated their employees like an easily replaceable part of a machine and our thoughts and opinions were never heard. I grew so tired of it that I quit and looked for a new job. It was very different from how OCE treats its employees. I have been working at OCE for almost a year now and I have no regrets in choosing to work here. I also currently study System administration at Otemachi and I think OCE has very convenient working hours.

What do you think is special about OCE?

What I think makes OCE stand out from other English schools is how the over all environment is great. Teaching is easier when both your co-workers and students are great people. OCE has an easy-going and friendly working environment and it just gives you motivation to go to work. Also, teachers here are not restricted to interject a little bit of personality when it comes to teaching lessons. You can apply your own personality and creativity in your lessons. I think this is one reason why teachers and students have good relationships. Students and teachers have a solid relationship inside and outside the classroom and I think that is one very big thing that sets OCE apart from other schools.

What do you enjoy about teaching your students?

Students studying at OCE have motivation and the drive to actually learn English. In my old school, it was obvious how students didn’t really want to be there. It seemed like they were forced by their respective companies and had no motivation to learn at all. That took a toll on me and brought my spirits down a bit. In OCE, students go because they enjoy studying English. You feel their drive and determination in lessons and it inspires you to teach them better. Also, seeing your students progress feels great and rewarding!

When did you make a difference in a student’s life?

I actually had one student who wanted to study presenting. Her job basically revolves around presentations to clients and her boss so she wanted to mainly focus on studying presentation. We studied vocabulary and information dissemination and from there we both worked hard in studying together. It came to a point that her boss was so impressed on her improvement at presentation that she got a bonus and it just felt really good for the both of us to see results.