Step 2 – Reasons to Join OCE – text version

Fun Events

We hold 4 major events and 8 school run events a year for teachers and students to get to know each other better. Our major events are open to both non-students and non-teachers and we average around 80 people per major event. The biggest event of the year is Halloween and we usually have more than 120 people come each year.

Belonging and Supporting

Many teachers here at OCE are friends outside of school and we even have a LINE party group. Those new to Japan will quickly find a group of friends to make this experience more enriching. Since we have many teachers, you are bound to find someone you can really connect with. Most part time teachers join OCE simply looking for a job and end up finding a new home.

We foster your desire to help others by giving opportunities to add spice to your lessons with flashcards and fun games. Your head teacher will observe your lessons and you are welcome to ask them questions. You can also seek advice from veteran teachers. The more people you observe and discover, the more likely you will find your own unique blend of teaching.

Join a Quickly Growing Company

We are rapidly growing and have grown from 3 staff to 50 staff in 3.5 years. I have managed this roller-coaster ride of growth thanks to the help of our part time and head teachers.

Our full time teachers and head teachers are promoted from within One Coin English. For those who would like more responsibility, we are planning to open 3 schools a year and each school will have a head teacher who started part time. The same applies for our recruiter who started part time and will lead a recruiting team in 2018. Our youngest head teacher is 23 years old who started working with us part time when she was 20.

Equal Opportunities Based on Talent

If you are someone with an open mind and willing to grow, we would love to have you join one of our schools in Tokyo or Yokohama.

We value your English ability and personality over experience and country of origin. You have an equal opportunity for promotion and we hire non-native and native teachers for full-time positions. Around 66% of full-time staff are not from native English speaking countries and there are teachers from more than 20 different countries at OCE.

Welcoming and Caring

Around 85% of our teachers are working part-time and we are working our best to make it a welcoming environment for you. We have Japanese language books for you to use during your breaks and a support site for teachers. The support site has tips on learning Japanese, living in Japan, and even tips on doing taxes.

You will receive observations and feedback more frequently here compared to other schools. We know you would like to receive a promotion as quickly as possible, and we would like students to receive good lessons as soon as possible. We have been successful because our teaching methodology works and our teachers seek feedback and strives to carry them out.


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